Epigenetic Benefits of ALA in Treatment of Cancer | Second Opinion Physician

Extensively published researcher and clinician, Dr Berkson utilizes high doses of racemic ALA (IV and Orally) along with HCA to inhibit tumor cell formation.

Dr Berksen is doing awesome work reversing cancer by utilizing nutrients to effect epigenetics, inflammation and mitrochondrial activity. Utilizes high doses of racemic ALA (IV and Orally) along with HCA to inhibit ATP-citrate lyase, which is important in Acetyl CoA production. In tumor cells this plays a role in fatty acid formation which is vital to tumor growth.

His cancer protocol utilizes another exciting therapy – LDN – Low Dose Naltrexone – which helps regulate inflammation via the immune system through activation of microglia and endorphins. Full protocol also includes selenomethionine, HCA Garcinia Camboglia, Silamaryn and high doses of Vitamin C.

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