Ozone Therapy - How to Use Ozone at Home | Second Opinion Physician

Ozone at Home - Instructional Series

Marcus Freudenmann shares what he has learned from his research and interviews with doctors around the world. He is not a doctor and as he states neither he or this article are intended to diagnose, treat or provide medical advice. This information should be researched by each user for their specific needs and consult with a medical practitioner for proper use and application.

According to most, ozone therapy administered at home is as effective as IV therapy in a doctors office.  And certainly no doctor will tell you that Ozone cures cancer or any other medical condition for that matter. But there is a tremendous amount of peer reviewed research that strongly suggests that it improves conditions that coexist with many cancers and thereby enhances the persons chance of treating cancer with medicines or natural remedies.

The use of medical use of ozone in the US is controversial and in fact not allowed in some States. However in Germany, Russia, Cuba, India and other countries around the world ozone therapy is a regularly practiced safe therapy for many conditions.



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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These articles are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult with your physician or trusted health care provider prior to using controversial therapies.